Assessment Center

Evaluation and constant development of human resources.
The Assessment Center area creates value through three main tools and specialized services:

Potential Evaluation.Seller Ability Assessment Methodology

The assessment process is developed by labour psychologists and specialists in behavioral observation in retail roles. The diagnostic activity can be structured both through online tests and individual and group tests in the class through theevaluation method, exclusive Made to Sell, of Seller Ability.

Seller Ability Methodology

We analyze 4 areas that make up both the observation in the class and the dimensions analyzed by the tests:

  • Skills
  • Attitude
  • Personality
  • Potential

Through this activity, Made to Sell consultants can draw up a diagnostic report that highlights the expressed and unexpressed potential of the resource being assessed, aimed at both the possible inclusion in the company (in the case of the selective process) and the structuring of the individual improvement plan, necessary for the professional growth of the resource included in the assessment process.